Rumoh Mongtuh
Rumoh Mongtuh: Superiority of Nusa (2. Focus on the comparison with C#)

Superiority of Nusa (2. Focus on the comparison with C#)

How Nusa is superior compared to C, C#, C++, Java, BASIC, and Delphi (Pascal)

2. Focus on the comparison with C#

This document compares C# with Nusa. Previous comparison with C must be read.

2.1 Overview of C#

C# is a 'combination' of C, Java, and Pascal. The creator of C# is the creator of Turbo Pascal. The influence of Turbo Pascal is evident on using System; the operation writeline and readline.

On the other hand, the influence of C is also evident on the syntax of operation-header. C starts the operation-header by type-expression (of the returned values). C# does the same.

Finally, C# is also influenced by Java. The influence of Java is evident from the syntax of the so called public class, and the syntax of operation main.

2.2 Nusa compared to C#: Difficulty on creating module

If you think that it is easy to apply modular programming in C#, please solve this problem. The problem:

1. Create a module that contains two operations: one function returning a value of type integer, and one procedure (returning no values).

2. Create another module (main-module) that calls the two operations defined in the used module.

These are the questions you should ask your self (and answer them):

A. How easy it is to create it?

B. Given that you just learn C# for, say, 2 weeks, can you solve the problem easily?

C. What book(s) do you use in learning C#?

D. Did the author ever define what is a module?

E. What is the author’s definition of module?

I wait for your answer. E-mail me at ridho@biztek.infoThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

2.3 A simple comparison

Now let’s see how 'simple' C# is.

using System;

namespace Hello


class Program


static void Main(string[] args)


Console.WriteLine ("Hello");




C# is obviously a complex programming-language. Even writing that simple program is complex.

2.4 Nusa

Compare this with Nusa.

Program Hello;

void main()


writeline ('Hello');


The equivalent program in Nusa is much simpler. Many modern programming-language are too complex. Why? The mind of designers are flawed.


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